The AppBuilder platform helps develop Line of Business (LOB) modules.
Such modules can be used individually or in CRM/ERP applications.
• Orders module: any site can keep track of a number of commands from users
• Invoices module: any site can keep track of a number of invoices from users
• developing CRM modules
• developing ERP modules
Already developed modules (150):
Frontend wordpress
For the Wordpress community we have developed a plugin "AppBuilder", where you can develop this kind of modules. The result will be that we can insert a module in any page through shortcode: [appbuilder id='a6b11cec-57e1-b85d-dbd2-c2aefe023fa1']

Admin wordpress
Module management is simple. We have the list of modules on the left side next to the search option.

I can choose to display Grid or Tree.
I can set the actions I need to have available: Add, Edit, Delete, Pages, Sort, Filter, Export
I can manage the field list - "Set Fields", the column list - "Set columns" and layout of the added form - "Set form"

Layout form
The layout process of the form allows me to add rows and columns as a structure and choose from a list of components

Each module created will have its own data table